The first machines have been set up and trial operation has started. From September onwards, the Moralt company wants to produce door blanks at its new location in Hausham. The clients from the luxury segment are already waiting.
Hausham - It will take a few weeks before the first delivery to Muscat leaves Hausham. When it comes to the major order from Oman, Moralt board member Klaus Feile doesn't want to leave anything to chance. When the luxury chain Kempinski orders door blanks and licenses for a new hotel in the Sultanate's capital, everything has to fit perfectly. “We are currently trying out one machine after the other,” says Feile. His great pride, the new chip extraction system, has already passed the test. It is so powerful that it exchanges all the air in the building twice every hour. And thanks to the slowly ramping up fans, it's still energy-saving - and quiet. “A car driving by is louder,” says Feile.
Moralt AG is investing a good one million euros in the move from Bad Tölz to Hausham. In autumn 2015, the specialist for wooden door blanks and systems signed the lease agreement for the former Rotaform site on Obere Tiefenbachstrasse (we reported). Since then, planning has been in full swing. A few weeks ago the first heavy transport rolled into Hausham. Truck cranes were also in use. Special machines weighing several tons cannot be easily disassembled. For safety reasons, Moralt sometimes even had to involve the manufacturers.
Most of it is now done. With the exception of a small part, all of the machines important for production have arrived in the new halls. Only the suppliers go to the old location at Schletzbaumsäge in Bad Tölz. The finished goods are currently being stored there and prepared for shipping.
The transition is smooth. “Production only comes to a complete standstill for two weeks,” explains Feile. Also because Moralt used the move for technical upgrades. The first machines ordered were delivered at the beginning of the year. “We then set it up in peace and quiet in Hausham,” says Feile. This also includes the extraction system, which costs a good 250,000 euros and protects employees from dust.
Moralt had the control technology replaced in the technically still robust devices from the old stock. The goal is what is known as “insourcing”. Where other companies outsource parts of production, Moralt brings more in-house. “Then we have to buy less,” says Feile. The board has already hired the first of three new employees. “A home hamer,” he reports proudly. All 35 colleagues in Hausham are scheduled to start their duties at the end of September at the latest.
While the production halls already look quite finished - according to Feile, the owner has cleared them out, upgraded them in terms of fire protection and partially re-covered the roofs - the administration and customer areas resemble a construction site. Conference rooms, outdoor facilities and signage are not yet presentable. Everything should be ready by the time the first customers arrive.
Feile knows the high demands of companies like Kempinski or Bulgari. The latter wants to equip a new resort on the “Seahorse Island” in Dubai with soundproof doors from Moralt. A prestigious order for the company - and from September also for the community of Hausham.
Source: Münchner Merkur, Miesbacher Merkur, Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Moralt AG, Obere Tiefenbachstraße 1, D-83734 Hausham